Zažiarte na svojej ďalšej kontrole zdravia a bezpečnosti s aktuálnou zbierkou bezpečnostných listov prístupnou všetkým zamestnancom, správnym označovaním a bezpečným archivovaním bezpečnostných listov.

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Stay Prepared for Safety Reviews

Rest assured that your chemical safety data is always in compliance and up-to-date

Continuous Updates for Peace of Mind

SDS Manager continually scans 100,000 supplier sites for updated SDSs.

Rapid Access to Safety Information

One-click access to First Aid and Accidental release info puts vital safety details at your employees' fingertips.

How SDS Compliance works

Naskenujte ma, aby ste videli váš ďalší softvér na správu bezpečnostných listov

Up-to-Date SDS Collection: Regularly update your SDS to reflect the latest safety information and regulatory requirements. Manufacturers often revise SDS to comply with new findings or regulatory changes. Always replace outdated sheets with the newest versions to maintain compliance.

Accessibility: Up-to-date Safety Data Sheets must be easily accessible to all employees at all times. This involves organizing SDS in a manner that employees can quickly find the information they need in the event of an emergency.

Proper Labeling: Ensure all chemical containers are clearly labeled with the correct hazard symbols and handling instructions, as specified in their respective SDS. Labels must remain legible and attached to the containers at all times.

Employee Training: Conduct regular training sessions to ensure that employees understand how to interpret and use the information provided in SDS. Training should cover the location of the SDS library, understanding of the SDS format, and the procedures to follow in case of chemical exposure or spill.

Maintain archive for 10 years: Users of chemicals are required to maintain an archive of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for each chemical for a period of 10 years after the use of that chemical has ceased. This archival requirement is crucial for historical tracking, enabling health monitoring and post-exposure analysis, and for legal compliance.

Local and International Regulations: Comply with both local and international chemical safety regulations. This includes staying informed about changes in the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, as well as specific regulatory requirements in your jurisdiction.

How to Set Up and Maintain a Compliant SDS Library with SDS Manager

Account Setup

Begin by registering for an account with SDS Manager

You can start with a free 30-day trial.

Add SDS for your chemical to your SDS library

The main idea with SDS Manager is that you add Safety Data Sheets for chemicals your organization are using to your online SDS library.

You can do this in a number of different ways:

  1. Import Existing SDS Files
  2. Shoot pictures of labels of your chemicals with Your Smartphone
  3. Import your XLS list with chemicals used
  4. Explore Our Database of 13Million+ Safety Data Sheets
  5. Utilize Integrated Google Search
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Go-live checklist
Once Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals used and stored in your organization have been added to your Online SDS library, proceed by following our SDS Manager Go-live checklist to ensure a smooth launch of your Online SDS library to your organization.
Start your SDS Manager subscription.

Select the plan that suits your organization's need and select the number of SDS you will start with

Our pricing model is straightforward, based entirely on the number of SDS in your library. You can expand your SDS management at any time; we will issue an invoice for the prorated amount for the remainder of your current subscription period.

SDS Manager offers a flexible subscription model, ensuring you're never bound by more than your current commitment. Should you choose to discontinue your use of SDS Manager, simply inform us or cease payments — no strings attached. We guarantee complete freedom from contractual lock-ins.

Add a link to your SDS library from your intranet
If your organization utilizes an intranet, it is advisable to incorporate a link to your new Online SDS library within it. This enables users to easily access your SDS Manager library directly by clicking the link provided on your intranet.
Print QR-code posters and post them where chemicals are used.

QR codes provide users of chemicals access to Safety Data Sheets by scanning QR codes with their smartphone.

The QR posters are printed as PDF files that can be printed out on any color printer.

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Launch your Online SDS Library

To introduce your new Online SDS library effectively to your organization, you can utilize our standard launch email template.

You should send the email first to your own email and then forward the email from your account to ensure all team members receive it directly from a familiar email address.

Ensure that secondary containers are labeled correctly
For managing hazardous substances or labeling secondary containers, SDS Manager offers to generate labels in 15 distinct sizes with one-click actions.
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Create Chemical instructions and risk assessment of chemicals.
Využite modul Hodnotenia Rizík v SDS Manager na vytvorenie komplexného dokumentu "Chemické Pokyny a Hodnotenie Rizík" pre chemikálie používané vašou organizáciou. Tento modul tiež podporuje tvorbu Správ o Analýze Nebezpečenstva Práce , ktoré sa týkajú prác zahŕňajúcich viaceré chemikálie alebo iné riziká, ako sú pády alebo elektrické riziká.
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Check for restricted ingredients in your chemicals

There are numerous lists of Restricted Chemicals. SDS Manager is constantly expanding our library of lists.

On the panel for Active SDS with ingredients on restricted chemical lists, all your SDS that have ingredients on any of these lists are listed.

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Check for hazardous chemicals in use

SDS Manager offers advanced filtering capabilities to let you find hazardous chemicals in your SDS library.

You can list all your SDS that are e.g. Carcinogenic by listing all SDS that contain hazard statement H351 or you can do a free text search of all your SDS to find all SDS that contain the word "Carcinogenic"

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Check for dangerous chemicals in use
SDS Manager extracts all information from your Safety Data Sheets, allowing you to add any parameter from the SDS as columns in the Custom Fields view. This feature enables you to, for example, list the auto-ignition temperature for all your chemicals and determine if any are prone to auto-ignite. Additionally, you can export your SDS library getting any Data Parameter from the SDS exported in excel format.
Check Chemicals with high hazardous rating

All Safety Data Sheets in SDS Manager are given a rudimentary rating for Health hazard, Safety hazard and Environmental hazard based on a scale from 1 to 5.

The rating is done based on H and P codes found in the SDS file.

These ratings will give pointers to products where hazards should be evaluated.

To find hazardous chemicals you can sort your chemicals by hazard rating

Regularly check that your SDSs are on latest version.
SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva aktualizácie Bezpečnostných Listov na tisícoch webových stránkach dodávateľov a upozorňuje vás na všetky nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.
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Annual reconciliation of SDS library

To maintain an updated SDS library, it's advisable to conduct an annual review by:

  • Archiving SDSs for products that are no longer utilized.
  • Incorporating any absent Safety Data Sheets for newly introduced products.
  • Assessing and updating any outdated Safety Data Sheets within your collection

SDS Manager has two crucial features that help you reconcile your SDS library:

  • Logging the Presence of Products
  • Listing SDS Without Logged Presence
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Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Udržiavanie aktuálnej knižnice Bezpečnostných listov

SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva aktualizácie Bezpečnostných Listov na tisícoch webových stránkach dodávateľov a upozorňuje vás na všetky nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.

Panel pre chemickú zhodu

Zvýšte úroveň správy svojich bezpečnostných listov s naším komplexným panelom pre chemickú zhodu.

Funkcia zmierenia

Udržujte svoju knižnicu Bezpečnostných listov aktuálnu zaznamenávaním aktívnych produktov a archivovaním Bezpečnostných listov pre položky, ktoré už nie sú v používaní.

Nájdite zastarané bezpečnostné listy

Pomocou funkcie filtra roka revízie v SDS Manager identifikujte bezpečnostné listy vo vašej knižnici, ktoré sú staršie ako päť rokov.

Have questions?

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Naplánujte si demo s jedným z našich špecialistov a získajte bezkonkurenčnú kontrolu nad svojimi bezpečnostnými údajmi
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30-dňová bezplatná skúšobná verzia. Nevyžaduje sa platobná karta.