Udržujte svoju knižnicu Bezpečnostných listov aktuálnu zaznamenávaním aktívnych produktov a archivovaním Bezpečnostných listov pre položky, ktoré už nie sú v používaní.

Skúste zdarma
SDS reconciliation feature hero image

Shoot pictures of all chemicals in use

Reconcile pictures with your SDS library.

Archive SDS no longer in use

Move SDS no longer in use to Archive.

Add missing Safety Data Sheets

Add SDS to library for new products.

How SDS Library reconciliation works

To maintain an updated SDS library, it's advisable to conduct an annual review by:

  • Archiving SDSs for products that are no longer utilized.
  • Incorporating any absent Safety Data Sheets for newly introduced products.
  • Assessing and updating any outdated Safety Data Sheets within your collection.

SDS Manager has two crucial features that help you reconcile your SDS library:

Logging the Presence of Products

This feature allows you to systematically record which products, and consequently their associated Safety Data Sheets, are actively in use within your organization. This can be accomplished through several methods:

  • Photographing Product Labels: Utilize the SDS Manager application on a smartphone to take pictures of all product labels. Subsequently, you can match these images with the corresponding SDS in your library and log the product's presence.
  • Using the Search Function: Locate the Safety Data Sheet within the SDS Manager and select the “Log presence of product” option to record its use.
  • Scanning Barcodes: If your Safety Data Sheets are linked to product barcodes, you can scan these barcodes using the SDS Manager on your smartphone and select the “Log presence of product” option to indicate the product's presence.

Listing SDS Without Logged Presence

This functionality enables you to identify and list those Safety Data Sheets within your library for which the associated products have not recently been logged as in use. This assists in distinguishing between current and potentially outdated or no longer used chemicals. Safety Data Sheets for products no longer in use are moved to an archive, streamlining your active SDS library and ensuring it remains relevant and up-to-date.

These features are designed to simplify the management of your SDS library, ensuring compliance with safety regulations by keeping an accurate record of the chemicals currently in use and streamlining the process of updating your library as product usage changes.

How to reconcile your SDS library


Organize Safety Data Sheets by Location

For libraries with a substantial number of Safety Data Sheets, categorizing them by location significantly simplifies the reconciliation process. This method allows for efficient identification of products associated with their respective Safety Data Sheets based on their storage or usage locations.

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Activate Barcode Scanner

If you've associated barcodes with Safety Data Sheets in your SDS library, locating an SDS is as simple as scanning the product's barcode.

To activate the barcode scanner, simply click on the barcode scanner icon located next to the SDS search field.


Scan Barcode

Position the barcode in the middle of the camera window to get the best detection.

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Product Presence Logging

Upon scanning a barcode linked to a product, the product details will be displayed. You can then select “Log Product Presence” to acknowledge its presence before proceeding to the next item.


Searching for Safety Data Sheets

If a barcode isn't linked, you can locate the SDS by entering a portion of the product name and selecting "Log Product Presence."

For streamlined future reconciliations, it's advisable to associate the product's barcode with its SDS. This is particularly useful for products that come in various packaging sizes but require the same SDS.

To link a barcode to an SDS, click on "Add UPC code" (or "Add EAN code" for users outside the US), allowing you to attach the scanned barcode directly to the SDS in your library.


Capturing Product Label Images

Should the SDS for a product be unavailable, utilize the photo feature to capture an image of the product's label, facilitating later identification of the Safety Data Sheet. This feature also allows for the option to photograph labels of all products, enabling you to subsequently log the presence of products for which photos were taken.

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Find SDS for Captured Photos

Once you've finished photographing your products, the next step is to locate Safety Data Sheets for the items you've captured or to mark them as present in your inventory.


Log presence for captured photos

Upon searching for a product using its label photo, items already in your SDS library will be highlighted in green.

To log the item's presence, click on "Log presence." This action removes the image from the SDS request list, indicating it's been successfully matched with an existing Safety Data Sheet in your library.

For libraries organized by location, the photographed item will be associated with a specific location. The "Log presence" button becomes active only if the SDS is linked to the photo's corresponding location. Should the photo be associated with a different location than its SDS, you'll have the option to link the SDS to the photo's location as well.


Add SDS to library

To add an SDS not present in the library for a photographed product, simply click "Add to Library."


List Safety Data Sheets without presence logged

Having logged presence Safety Data Sheet for all products in use, it is time to list all Safety Data Sheets in your library that have not been logged.


Bulk-move SDS to Archive

With our Bulk Archive feature, you can efficiently relocate all Safety Data Sheets that lack recorded presence to your SDS Archive folder.


The final task for reconciling your SDS library is to make sure all your SDS are on the latest revision.

SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva aktualizácie Bezpečnostných Listov na tisícoch webových stránkach dodávateľov a upozorňuje vás na všetky nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.

Zistiť viac

SDS Manager also offers an annual review service to maintain the currency of your SDS library. This service includes reaching out to vendors manually for updates not found online.

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Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Udržiavanie aktuálnej knižnice Bezpečnostných listov

SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva aktualizácie Bezpečnostných Listov na tisícoch webových stránkach dodávateľov a upozorňuje vás na všetky nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.

Panel pre chemickú zhodu

Zvýšte úroveň správy svojich bezpečnostných listov s naším komplexným panelom pre chemickú zhodu.

Nájdite zastarané bezpečnostné listy

Pomocou funkcie filtra roka revízie v SDS Manager identifikujte bezpečnostné listy vo vašej knižnici, ktoré sú staršie ako päť rokov.

Pripravený na kontrolu

Zažiarte na svojej ďalšej kontrole zdravia a bezpečnosti s aktuálnou zbierkou bezpečnostných listov prístupnou všetkým zamestnancom, správnym označovaním a bezpečným archivovaním bezpečnostných listov.

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