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See example of Chemical Risk Assessment created using SDS Manager
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Hazardous products

Use our automated pre-rating of SDS hazardousness to identify hazardous products in your SDS library.

Create Risk Assessment

Create Risk assessment for your Hazardous products

Chemical instruction

The risk assessment can double as a chemical instruction to keep your employees informed about risks and required procedures.

How Chemical Risk Assessment works

Utilize the Risk Assessment module in SDS Manager to generate a comprehensive Chemical Instruction & Risk Assessment document for the chemicals your organization uses. This module also supports the creation of Job Hazard Analysis Reports (referred to as COSHH Reports in the UK), which cater to jobs involving multiple chemicals or other hazards like falls or electrical risks.

Our Risk Assessment process meticulously informs employees about the potential risks associated with handling specific chemicals, while also detailing the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and control measures required for safe usage. This ensures a well-informed and protected working environment.

Risk assessments also serve as a tool for documenting adherence to regulations related to the handling and storage of chemicals. They provide a structured approach to ensure compliance, making them essential for maintaining safety standards.

How to create a Chemical Risk Assessment using SDS Manager

SDS Manager automatically assigns ratings for health, safety, and environmental hazards to every Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in your library. This evaluation is carried out based on the H- and P-codes, along with the pictograms detailed within the SDS.

Ratings are assigned on a scale from 1 to 5, offering a clear overview of potential risks.

For easy navigation, simply click on the column header to organize your Safety Data Sheets in descending order based on their health hazard rating.

Safety Data sheets that have ingredients on restricted chemical lists are also candidates for products that need risk assessments created.

Click “Create risk evaluation” to start the risk evaluation process.
The base information related to the risk assessment includes
  • The form of the substance

  • What is the substance used for

  • How the substance should be used

  • How should the substance be disposed of

  • Duration of exposure to the substance when handled

  • Amount of the substance in use when handled

  • Hazard types relevant for handling the substance

  • Classification of risk, classification of exposure and effect of PPE and controls for each hazard type

  • Storage risk regarding safety events

  • Storage risk regarding environmental release events

Automated Hazard Identification from Safety Data Sheets

SDS Manager uses information from the Safety Data Sheet and automatically uses it this in the Risk evaluation.

Based on the H-statements and P-statements in the Safety Data Sheet, SDS Manager will automatically suggest the types of hazards that should be evaluated.

Hazard Assessment for each hazard type

For each of the Hazard types you evaluate the substance risk

E.g. for Skin-hazard, you evaluate how dangerous it is to get the substance in contact with the skin. In this example, we set that to “3-Hazardous” on a 1 to 5 scale.

Next, we evaluate the likelihood that a user of the chemical will come into contact with the skin if no precautions are taken. In this example, we set that to "3- Medium likely"

Determining Protective Measures and Emergency Controls
Specify required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), controls, and emergency procedures for handling the product, such as gloves, reading instructions, and rinsing with water. This step ensures that all necessary safety measures are in place to mitigate risks.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Protective Measures

Assess the impact of PPE and controls on reducing exposure risks.

In this example, we set the effect of the controls to "4-High" resulting in an overall Health-hazardousness score of H3 which is an acceptable risk level. Levels 1 to 3 are regarded as acceptable levels, while levels 4 and 5 are prohibited levels in the workplace.

Repeating the Assessment for Other Identified Hazards
Following the completion of the assessment for one hazard, the same process is applied to other identified hazards, such as ingestion, inhalation, and flammable hazards.
Evaluating Storage Risks
If necessary, assess the risks associated with storing the substance, considering potential safety events and environmental releases. This step addresses the storage aspect of chemical safety management.
Finalizing the Risk Assessment

Upon completing the risk assessments, they can be finalized and approved.

A new revision of the risk assessment can be created when updates are needed.

Chemical Instructions
For approved risk assessments, a chemical instruction will be available for employees outlining safe handling practices and detailing required PPE and controls. This ensures that all personnel are informed about the safe use of chemicals.
Secondary Container Labels
PPE and controls identified in the Risk Assessment are also displayed on any secondary container labels.

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Analýza rizík na pracovisku

Vytvorte správy o analýze rizík na pracovisku (v Spojenom kráľovstve označované ako správy COSHH). Čítajte potvrdenia od pridelených zamestnancov.

Porovnať produkty

Porovnanie bezpečnostných listov dvoch produktov vedľa seba, umožňujúce dôkladnú analýzu vlastností a nebezpečenstiev.

Upozornenia na obmedzené látky

SDS Manager skúma detaily zložiek vašich chemikálií na bezpečnostných listoch a porovnáva ich s obmedzenými zoznamami látok.

Voľné textové vyhľadávanie

Funkcia voľného textového vyhľadávania SDS Managera indexuje celý obsah všetkých bezpečnostných listov vo vašej knižnici SDS.

Have questions?

A chemical risk assessment is a systematic process to identify, evaluate, and manage the risks associated with the use, storage, and handling of chemicals in the workplace. It aims to protect workers' health and safety by identifying potential hazards and implementing control measures to minimize exposure.

Chemical risk assessments are crucial for maintaining a safe working environment. They help prevent workplace accidents, injuries, and illnesses by ensuring that hazards are identified and controlled effectively. Additionally, they are a legal requirement in many jurisdictions to comply with health and safety regulations.

SDS Manager simplifies the risk assessment process by automatically extracting hazard information from Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). It uses H- and P-statements to suggest potential hazards for evaluation, allowing users to assess risks efficiently and determine necessary protective measures and controls.

Yes, to eliminate the need for repetitive risk assessments for comparable products, one risk assessment can be associated with multiple Safety Data Sheets.

Yes, SDS Manager allows for the evaluation of storage risks across multiple locations. You can create separate evaluations for each location if the storage conditions differ, ensuring accurate risk assessments for all storage areas.

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