Generujte etikety pre sekundárne nádoby v 15 veľkostiach. Etikety obsahujú QR kódy, kľúčové kódy H a P a ikony OOP.

Skúste zdarma
Secondary container labels

One-click generation of labels

100% automated label generation.

15 different sizes

Manager offers the flexibility to generate labels in 15 distinct sizes.

QR codes

QR code on label allow user to access Safety Information directly from their phones.

How Secondary container labels works

For managing hazardous substances or labeling secondary containers, SDS Manager offers the flexibility to generate labels in 15 distinct sizes.

These labels include QR codes, enabling direct access to the product's SDS with a simple scan. They prominently display H and P codes, along with PPE icons extracted from the SDS, ensuring critical safety information is readily accessible and clearly communicated.

The QR code featured on a secondary container label provides immediate access to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product associated with the label, ensuring essential safety information is always just a scan away.

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Prístup k informáciám o prvej pomoci

Keďže extrahujeme všetky informácie z bezpečnostných listov, poskytujeme prístup k informáciám o prvej pomoci vhodný pre mobilné zariadenia len jedným kliknutím.

Okamžitý prístup pre zamestnancov

Zabezpečte, aby zamestnanci mali okamžitý prístup k bezpečnostným listom v prípade incidentu pomocou strategicky umiestnených plagátov s QR kódom.

Informujte zamestnancov

Informácie o bezpečnosti sú ľahko dostupné. Detaily o nebezpečnosti a ikony OOP sú okamžite dostupné, automaticky extrahované z bezpečnostných listov.

Offline prístup

Vytvorte zväzok SDS pre ľahký offline prístup k bezpečnostným listom. Rýchlo sa orientujte v ľubovoľnom štandardnom čítači PDF.

Have questions?

Absolutely, SDS Manager supports the label formats compatible with Dymo label printers, enabling easy printing and application.

SDS Manager simplifies the creation of compliant secondary container labels by allowing you to generate labels that include essential information such as product identifiers, hazard statements, and precautionary statements directly from the safety data sheets. This ensures that all secondary containers in your workplace meet regulatory requirements.

The labels can include a variety of information extracted from the safety data sheets, such as hazard pictograms, signal words, hazard statements, precautionary statements, and product identification.

Yes, SDS Manager supports the creation of labels in multiple sizes to accommodate different types of secondary containers. Whether you need small labels for vials or larger labels for drums, you can select the appropriate size within the application to fit your needs.

Absolutely, SDS Manager enables the inclusion of QR codes on secondary container labels. Scanning these QR codes provides direct access to the detailed safety data sheets for the chemicals, enhancing safety and accessibility in your workplace.

By providing clear, comprehensive, and easily accessible information about the chemicals in secondary containers, these labels help to ensure that employees are fully informed about the hazards and safe handling practices. This contributes to a safer work environment and helps prevent accidents and injuries related to chemical exposure.

Yes, SDS Manager alerts you to any updates or changes in the safety data sheets, allowing you to easily generate updated secondary container labels to reflect the most current safety information. This feature helps maintain compliance and ensures that your labels always provide the latest safety instructions and hazard information.

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