Naše nástroje spolu s našou databázou viac ako 13 miliónov bezpečnostných listov zjednodušujú proces zriadenia vašej online knižnice bezpečnostných listov.

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Build your SDS library

Build your SDS library by importing list of chemicals you are using.

Vyhľadávanie bezpečnostných listov

Use our database of more than 13Million Safety Data Sheets to find SDS.

Integrated Google SDS search

Effective fallback solution when SDS for your product is not found in our SDS Database.

How Setup of SDS Manager works

If you already possess SDS files, you can import them into SDS Manager.

If you're unsure about the chemicals in use, utilize your mobile phone to add products to SDS Manager by capturing pictures of the labels. Afterwards, you can locate the Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals you photographed.

Another option is to send XLS lists to your department managers, requesting them to fill in the products they use. The XLS file can be imported into SDS Manager, where you can find matching Safety Data Sheets.

SDS Manager has a database of more than 13Million Safety Data Sheets where you can find SDS for your products.

Lack of time and resources to do the setup?

Let one of our agents visit your locations to document them. We'll capture images of all product labels for the products you use and locate the corresponding Safety Data Sheets.

How to set up your SDS library

Already got some SDS files?

The SDS Manager offers a distinctive feature that allows you to easily populate your online library with Safety Data Sheets by directly importing PDF files (electronic versions of Safety Data Sheets). This eliminates the need for manual typing.

Zero-typing is involved. You can add hundreds of SDS to your new online SDS library in minutes.

It is pure magic!

Start shooting pictures of product labels of your chemicals

With SDS Manager on your smartphone, this process is streamlined: simply snap a photo of the product label, type in a portion of the product name, hit "Save", and move on to the next item.

This efficient method enables you to rapidly catalog hundreds of products in SDS Manager within an hour or less.

Import lists of chemicals in xls or csv format

For organizations with multiple departments, we recommend distributing our product list template to your department managers, inviting them to detail the chemicals utilized within their respective areas.

Our import wizard allows you to map columns in the file you import to the fields used by our system.

I only have Paper copies of our Safety Data Sheets

If you only have paper printouts of your Safety Data Sheets, the most efficient method to build your new Online SDS Library is to flip through your Paper copies and use our database of more than 13Million Safety Data to search for your products.

To add a Safety Data Sheet for a product to your SDS Library simply type in part of the product name and/or supplier name.

Simply click the + icon to add the SDS to your SDS library.

Let us help you set up your library
With our Full-Service option, we can assist you in setting up your new Online SDS Library as well as do long-term maintenance on your Safety Data Sheets if needed.

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Vyhľadávanie bezpečnostných listov na Google

S naším integrovaným vyhľadávaním Google môžete ľahko nájsť bezpečnostné listy, ktoré ešte nie sú v databáze SDS Manager s viac ako 13 miliónmi bezpečnostných listov.

Importujte svoje súbory Bezpečnostných listov

Vytvorte svoju knižnicu SDS prostredníctvom priamych importov PDF alebo nahrávaní súborov ZIP, ktoré automaticky organizujú a dopĺňajú vašu knižnicu.

Funkcia fotografovania

Vytvorte svoju knižnicu SDS na svojom smartfóne fotografovaním etikety produktu. Umožňuje rýchlu katalogizáciu produktov.

Požiadavky na bezpečnostné listy

Transformujte svoj proces získavania bezpečnostných listov na zvládnuteľnú úlohu s dynamickým zoznamom úloh pre požiadavky na bezpečnostné listy.

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