Zvýšte úroveň správy svojich bezpečnostných listov s naším komplexným panelom pre chemickú zhodu.

Skúste zdarma
Restricted chemical list image

No concern

For Chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists within safe concentration limits, approvals validate their use.

Risk assessed

For Chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists above safe concentration limits, risk assessments and Chemical instructions should be created to ensure safe handling.

Need approval

Chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists that are not marked as Approved and Chemical Risk have not been assessed.

How Chemical Compliance Dashboard works

The Compliance Dashboard gives you overview of Safety Data Sheets that needs your attention

Outdated Safety Data Sheets SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva tisíce webových stránok dodávateľov pre aktualizácie bezpečnostných listov, upozorňuje vás na akékoľvek nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.

Risk Assessed Safety Data Sheets SDSs are automatically given rating for Health-, Safety-, and Environmental-hazard based on H- and P-statements. SDS with high ratings are candidates to be risk assessed

Approved SDS Use the approval function to mark that chemical has been evaluated and found safe.

How the Dashboard helps you stay compliant


SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva tisíce webových stránok dodávateľov pre aktualizácie bezpečnostných listov, upozorňuje vás na akékoľvek nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.

Zistiť viac

SDSs are automatically given rating for Health-, Safety-, and Environmental-hazard based on H- and P-statements.

In this example, SDS Manager has identified 1,107 SDSs as hazardous. Furthermore, out of these, risk assessments have been conducted on 522 SDSs.

Zistiť viac

Schválenie bezpečnostných listov vám pomáha spravovať, ktoré produkty a chemikálie sú schválené na použitie vo vašej organizácii.

Approvals are pivotal in three key situations:

Restricted Chemicals: For chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists but within safe concentration limits, approvals validate their use.

Automated Hazard Ratings: When substances are flagged as hazardous based on H- and P-statements, approvals ensure their risks are acknowledged and managed.

Chemical Approval Processes: Approvals streamline the process for safety managers to authorize chemicals requested by employees, ensuring all chemicals meet safety standards.

Zistiť viac

There are numerous lists of Restricted Chemicals. SDS Manager is constantly expanding our library of lists.

On the panel for Active SDS with ingredients on restricted chemical lists, all your SDS that have ingredients on any of these lists are listed.

No concern
For chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists within safe concentration limits, approvals validate their use.

Risk assessed
For chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists above safe concentration limits, risk assessments and Chemical instructions should be created to ensure safe handling.

Need approval
Chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists that are not marked as Approved and Chemical Risk have not been assessed.

Click the "View" link to list SDS that need approval or risk assessment.


The Settings icon within the restricted list feature enables you to choose specific regulatory lists for comparing your SDS, ensuring compliance with relevant standards.

Zistiť viac

Job Hazard Analysis (Job procedure) according to OSHA REACH and COSHH.

Approval and revisioning are supported where designated users have approval access.

Zistiť viac

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Udržiavanie aktuálnej knižnice Bezpečnostných listov

SDS Manager proaktívne vyhľadáva tisíce webových stránok dodávateľov pre aktualizácie bezpečnostných listov, upozorňuje vás na akékoľvek nové verzie zistené vo vašej knižnici.

Pripravený na kontrolu

Zažiarte na svojej ďalšej kontrole zdravia a bezpečnosti s aktuálnou zbierkou bezpečnostných listov prístupnou všetkým zamestnancom, správnym označovaním a bezpečným archivovaním bezpečnostných listov.

Nájdite zastarané bezpečnostné listy

Pomocou funkcie filtra roka revízie v SDS Manager identifikujte bezpečnostné listy vo vašej knižnici, ktoré sú staršie ako päť rokov.

Funkcia zmierenia

Udržujte svoju knižnicu Bezpečnostných listov aktuálnu zaznamenávaním aktívnych produktov a archivovaním Bezpečnostných listov pre položky, ktoré už nie sú v používaní.

Have questions?

While there's no mandatory requirement to approve Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) when utilizing SDS Manager, it is strongly recommended to review and approve all SDSs, particularly those identified as hazardous by SDS Manager. This practice ensures that you're aware of the potential risks and can implement measures for the safe handling of these products.

SDS Manager extracts information from the Safety Data Sheets added to your SDS Library, including section 3, which details the product ingredients. Using the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers listed, SDS Manager cross-references these with CAS numbers found in regulatory restricted chemical lists to accurately identify and manage the substances within your inventory.

To easily locate Safety Data Sheets that necessitate approval or a risk assessment, navigate to the Dashboard and click on the "View" link designated for this purpose. This feature organizes and presents SDSs requiring your attention, simplifying the process of identifying and managing potential compliance and safety issues related to chemicals in your library.

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