Build your SDS library by importing a list of chemicals you use. SDS Manager automatically identifies and retrieves matching SDSs.

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Import product lists image

Build your SDS library

Build your SDS library by importing list of chemicals you are using.

Automated matching

When you import your product list, SDS Manager auto-find SDS with matching product name

Email your product vendor

One-click option to email your product vendor to request SDS for your products.

How Product list import Works

With SDS Manager you can import lists of chemicals in xls or csv format and later find the corresponding Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals.

For organizations with multiple departments, we recommend distributing our product list template to your department managers, inviting them to detail the chemicals utilized within their respective areas.

You can include information about the location of the chemical in the product list to ensure that the chemical is linked to the location where the chemical is used. You can import multiple lists.

Our import wizard allows you to map columns in the file you import to the fields used by our system.

How to set up your library by importing your product lists

Product list template
For organizations with multiple departments, we recommend distributing our product list template to your department managers, inviting them to detail the chemicals utilized within their respective areas.
Import wizard

When importing your product list, our import wizard matches your file structure to our data format.

You can also add your own ERP IDs (External system IDs) to the product list to ensure reference between your internal product references and the SDS library. When you later export your SDS library from SDS Manager, the export file will include the External system IDs you imported.

Auto-find SDS
When importing your product lists you have the option to allow SDS Manager to auto-match Safety Data Sheets based on products in the file you import.
SDS Request list
The products that you import will be listed on our SDS Request list where you can work on finding Safety Data Sheets for products that have not been auto-matched during the file import.

Other features you might like

Google SDS search

With our integrated Google search, you can easily find SDSs that are not yet in SDS Managers database of 13 million+ SDSs.

Import your SDS files

Create your SDS library through direct PDF imports or ZIP file uploads, which automatically organize and populate your library.

Photo feature

Build your SDS library on your smartphone by taking a photo of the product label. Enables rapid cataloging of products.

SDS Requests

Transform your SDS acquisition process into a manageable task with a dynamic to-do list of SDS Requests.

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