SDS Manager skúma detaily zložiek vašich chemikálií na bezpečnostných listoch a porovnáva ich s obmedzenými zoznamami látok.

Skúste zdarma
restricted substance notifications


List chemicals with ingredients on restricted lists

Approve concerned products

Approve SDS if concentration is within allowed limits.

Risk assess products

Create chemical risk assessment to document compliance with regulatory restrictions.

How Restricted Substance Notifications works

Receive alerts on restricted substances in the chemicals you utilize, including those listed under REACH-ECHA, California Proposition 65, ZDHC, and more.

SDS Manager scrutinizes the ingredient details of your chemicals from Safety Data Sheets and compares them against restricted substance lists. This feature enables you to quickly identify if any of your products contain ingredients that are on any restricted chemical lists.

How to manage products with ingredients on restricted lists

Your SDS Manager compliance dashboard
gives you an overview of status in relation to restricted lists relevant to your area.
On the settings page
you can determine which regulatory list to include in your restricted chemical notifications.
On the list with products

pending verification against restricted list all your SDS that contain ingredients in section 3 of the safety data with CAS# found in any restricted lists.

The list shows the concentration of the ingredients and a direct link to the corresponding regulatory documents for the restriction

Links to information

Although SDS Manager is not automatically telling you if the concentration of the ingredients is within the allowed concentration, it provides you with links to information needed to make the decision.

A click on the Z-1 Table link will take you directly to OSHA's information about allowed Chlorobenzene.

The approval function
allows for the marking of chemicals with acceptable concentration levels as approved. This action transfers the SDS from the pending list to the "No Concern" list.

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Hodnotenia chemického rizika

Generujte chemické inštrukcie a hodnotenie rizík na efektívne vzdelávanie zamestnancov o rizikách a požiadavkách na OOP

Porovnať produkty

Porovnanie bezpečnostných listov dvoch produktov vedľa seba, umožňujúce dôkladnú analýzu vlastností a nebezpečenstiev.

Informujte zamestnancov

Informácie o bezpečnosti sú ľahko dostupné. Detaily o nebezpečnosti a ikony OOP sú okamžite dostupné, automaticky extrahované z bezpečnostných listov.

Analýza rizík na pracovisku

Vytvárajte správy o Analýze Rizík na Pracovisku . Čítajte potvrdenia od pridelených zamestnancov.

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