Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Search
Add SDS to your library by simply searching for your product within our expansive database of over 13 million+ SDSs.
Integrated Google SDS search
Effective fallback solution when SDS for your product is not found in our SDS Database.
Drag & Drop SDS PDF files
You can simply drag & drop an SDS file you find on the internet to your SDS library. The SDS is automatically added to your library.
Email your product vendor
One-click option to email your product vendor to request SDS for your products.
Scan me to view your next SDS Software
Hang up posters with QR codes and give your employees instant access to SDSs for their workplace
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How SDS search works
SDS Manager has a database of 13Million+ Safety Data Sheets and we are constantly adding new ones.
To add a Safety Data Sheet for a product to your SDS Library simply type in part of the product name and/or supplier name.
Simply click the + icon to add the SDS to your SDS library.
How to add SDS for a product to your SDS library
Other features you might like
Google SDS search
With our integrated Google search, you can easily find SDSs that are not yet in SDS Managers database of 13 million+ SDSs.
Import your SDS files
Create your SDS library through direct PDF imports or ZIP file uploads, which automatically organize and populate your library.
Photo feature
Build your SDS library on your smartphone by taking a photo of the product label. Enables rapid cataloging of products.
SDS Requests
Transform your SDS acquisition process into a manageable task with a dynamic to-do list of SDS Requests.