Naša aplikácia pre iOS/Android zabezpečuje, že zamestnanci môžu pristupovať k celej knižnici bezpečnostných listov aj bez pripojenia na internet.

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Mobile App

The Offline app can be installed on any PC, Tablet, iPhone or Android device

Offline prístup

The app will store all Safety Data Sheet information on the device allowing full offline access.

Čítačka čiarových kódov

The built-in barcode scanner allow easy access to Safety Data Sheets by scanning product barcodes.

How the offline App works

The SDS Manager Mobile App provides offline access to your Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

We recommend that your primary method to allow your employee access Safety Data Sheets is by scanning QR code posters you post where chemicals are used, as it is unrealistic to expect all employees to keep an app installed on their device at all times.

For users that need offline access or are accessing Safety Data Sheets by scanning product barcodes, the App is very efficient.

Upon installation, the app downloads all Safety Data Sheets directly to the device, enabling access both online and offline. Additionally, users can scan product barcodes by simply opening the app and pointing it at the barcode for instant SDS retrieval.

How to install and use the SDS Manager App

To install the app, users scan the QR code poster. The app will then automatically provide access to the same SDS library available through the QR code poster.

Click "Install app for offline access"

The App will then be installed on the device and all SDS data will be downloaded and stored for offline access.

You can add the App icon to the device home screen.

Safety information for a product is found by either searching for the product by its name or by scanning the product Barcode.

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Prístup k informáciám o prvej pomoci

Keďže extrahujeme všetky informácie z bezpečnostných listov, poskytujeme prístup k informáciám o prvej pomoci vhodný pre mobilné zariadenia len jedným kliknutím.

Sekundárne etikety

Generujte etikety pre sekundárne nádoby v 15 veľkostiach. Etikety obsahujú QR kódy, kľúčové kódy H a P a ikony OOP.

Informujte zamestnancov

Informácie o bezpečnosti sú ľahko dostupné. Detaily o nebezpečnosti a ikony OOP sú okamžite dostupné, automaticky extrahované z bezpečnostných listov.

Okamžitý prístup pre zamestnancov

Zabezpečte, aby zamestnanci mali okamžitý prístup k bezpečnostným listom v prípade incidentu pomocou strategicky umiestnených plagátov s QR kódom.

Have questions?

Yes, you can disable app access directly from your SDS Manager account.

Yes, once the app is installed, all SDS information, including PDF files, is downloaded to the device, enabling full offline access.

Absolutely! The app automatically checks for updates to your Safety Data Sheet library and syncs the new Safety Data Sheets to ensure the offline content remains up-to-date.

Yes, when connected online, employees can also access Safety Data Sheets from our extensive database of over 14 million Safety Data Sheets, even if the Safety Data Sheets are not part of your library.

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