Zobrazovať štítky NFPA na zvýšenie bezpečnosti na pracovisku vizuálnym komunikovaním nebezpečností spojených s chemikáliami.

Skúste zdarma
NFPA Diesel image

One-click generation of labels

100% automated label generation.

Allow manual edits

Create NFPA label for any products

Display in workplace

Enhance workplace safety by visually communicating the health, flammability, instability

How NFPA labels works

Create NFPA labels for your products effortlessly.

Our NFPA wizard enables you to assign hazard levels and incorporate custom text onto your labels, tailoring them to meet your specific safety requirements.

Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť

Prístup k informáciám o prvej pomoci

Keďže extrahujeme všetky informácie z bezpečnostných listov, poskytujeme prístup k informáciám o prvej pomoci vhodný pre mobilné zariadenia len jedným kliknutím.

Sekundárne etikety

Generujte etikety pre sekundárne nádoby v 15 veľkostiach. Etikety obsahujú QR kódy, kľúčové kódy H a P a ikony OOP.

Informujte zamestnancov

Informácie o bezpečnosti sú ľahko dostupné. Detaily o nebezpečnosti a ikony OOP sú okamžite dostupné, automaticky extrahované z bezpečnostných listov.

Šanón bezpečnostných listov

Vytvorte zväzok SDS pre ľahký offline prístup k bezpečnostným listom. Rýchlo sa orientujte v ľubovoľnom štandardnom čítači PDF.

Have questions?

SDS Manager simplifies the process of creating NFPA labels by providing a user-friendly interface where you can select hazard levels and input custom text directly from the safety data sheet information. This ensures your labels meet NFPA standards for health, flammability, instability, and specific hazards.

Absolutely. SDS Manager allows for customization of NFPA labels to reflect the specific hazards associated with each chemical. You can adjust hazard ratings and add any necessary custom text to ensure all pertinent information is clearly communicated.

NFPA labels generated by SDS Manager include the standard NFPA diamond with color-coded sections indicating the levels of health (blue), flammability (red), and instability (yellow) hazards, along with special hazards (white). You can also add custom text for additional safety instructions or hazard details.

Yes, NFPA labels created using SDS Manager comply with the National Fire Protection Association's guidelines for hazard identification. This ensures that the labels meet regulatory requirements and support workplace safety protocols.

Once you have created your NFPA labels in SDS Manager, you can easily print them using a standard printer or a specialized label printer. SDS Manager supports various label formats to ensure compatibility with your printing setup.

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