Side-by-side SDS comparison of two products, allowing for thorough analysis of properties and hazards.

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Side by side comparison image

Substitute products

Compare products to find environmentally friendly substitutes


Data from Safety Data Sheets shown side by side for comparison

Any two Safety Data Sheets

The comparison function can be used for any two products.

How side-by-side SDS comparison works

Select any two Safety Data Sheets and you will get a side-by-side display of all data from both SDS.

SDS Manager can offer this functionality because we extract all information from the SDS-PDF files in a structured format.

How to compare two products

Select the two SDS you want to compare and click “Show differences between two SDS”

See side-by-side result.

The example to right shows how parameters from section 9 are shown side-by-side to ease comparison.

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Restricted Substance Notifications

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Free text search

SDS Manager's free text search feature indexes the entirety of the content within all the Safety Data Sheets in your SDS library.

Job Hazard analysis

Create Job Hazard Analysis Reports (referred to as COSHH Reports in the UK). Read receipts from assigned employees.

Have questions?

Comparing Safety Data Sheets is essential when you're searching for more environmentally friendly options among substitute products. It enables you to assess and contrast the ecological impact and safety standards of each product to make a more sustainable choice.

SDS Manager allows for the exportation of multiple SDS documents into an Excel spreadsheet, where all extracted data is methodically organized across numerous columns. With this approach, you can conduct an extended comparison of many SDS documents at once, ensuring a thorough analysis of each product's specifications.

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