Quality, environment and living organisms, especially human health safety, are the major concerns in the current era. Quality is customer-oriented, which needs to be fulfilled by the manufacturer or supplier. In contrast, in the case of environment and living organisms’ health safety, all interested parties, either supplier, manufacturer, distributors or end-users, are involved across the supply chain. Unsafe material handling practices cause a number of incidents in industries, especially in the case of chemicals handling, storage and usage in the processes causing some incidents. Although the material manufacturers are following the code conducts and statutory requirements. At the same time, manufacturing and sharing the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) with the product delivery, but lack of SDS instructions are observed at the customer’s side. As per international standards safety data sheet (SDS) consists of 16 mandatory sections. Each section has its importance and stored information related to the material.

Here below the 7 reasons that you should need to take the safety data sheet (SDS) seriously:

  1. Composition and material characteristics.

    Suppose you know the composition of the material. In that case, handling any material or chemical becomes safe as the handler already knows about the characteristics of the material, whether it is dangerous, toxic, pungent, acidic, etc. The safety data sheet has information about the material composition and its characteristics, including physical and chemical properties. Almost every SDS designed per internationally defined regulatory requirements has information about the manufacturer and its 24 hours emergency contact. In case of any incident, one can also contact the manufacturer to guide the handling of material.
  1. Hazards associated with the material.

    SDS has a detailed classification of the material as per internationally 29 CFR regulations. This classification helps the material handler or user about the hazard associated with the material so that in case of any harm or unforeseen release or material spillage condition, it can be handled accordingly without damaging the health and compromising the safety of the user or handler. Information related to emergency handling of the material is available on SDS, which can’t be ignored in case of release, spillage or exposure to that material.
  1. Prevention and precautions during usage.

    Preventive actions are essential to avoid the occurrence of hazardous or unwanted events. Any disaster could have happened in case of any conflict against these precautions and preventions. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) has information related to preventions and precautions that need to be taken while handling, storage, or using the material.
  1. Handling and Storage of Material.

    Some materials are volatile, temperature-sensitive, acidic or basic, poisonous, which can cause any harm or disaster if not handled properly. The safety data sheet has all of this information related to storage and material type hazardous, non-hazardous etc., which, if appropriately utilised, can prevent any unwanted incident.
  1. Exposure outcome to living organisms and environment.

    SDS has the data of material toxicology, ecology and other damages to the environment if released into the environment without being treated. So, using these instruction environments and living organisms, damages could be avoided, and organisations can prevent it from legal actions. Some materials or chemicals are banned internationally or by local environment bodies; SDS has the data of material that could be considered before dealing with such material.
  1. Disposal of Material.

    Materials are of different natures but are categorised into two domains of hazardous and non-hazardous. Dangerous materials are harmful to the environment (flora, fauna, natural resources, human, air, water and land). To protect the environment from such hazardous material, SDS has a disposal detail of the material that needs to be followed to avoid any environmental damages and legal action.
  1. Associated Regulations.

    Several regulations are developed and being followed in different regions and countries. It’s difficult for anyone to remember which legal regulation is applicable on the material mentioned above and violation of which can cause any legal action on the user. So, SDS has data of such legal requirements to whom the material complies. These legal requirements which are applicable need to be considered by the user; otherwise, it is a cause of legal action.


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