Convert Safety Data Sheets into JSON, XML and XLS format

Automatically extract information from all 16 sections of the SDS into digital data
Extraction Tool Icon

Инструмент для извлечения

Generates JSON or XML file that can be integrated into your Chemical Management System (CMS) or EHS Solution

25 языков

Наша система выполняет автоматическое извлечение данных из паспортов безопасности на 25 языках.


With our API, you can search our database of millions of SDSs or post any Safety Data Sheet file and get extracted data from all 16 sections on JSON or XML format.

Click here to open demo app that showcase how you can use our API to add advanced Safety Data Sheet library functionality to your EHS platform.

API features:

  • Search (Elastic) for SDS in our database with millions of SDSs.
  • Access to extracted data (JSON) from SDS files.
  • Post PDF file for parsing and extraction (JSON).