Drošības datu lapu meklēšana
Darbojas arsdsmanager.com
Step 1: Register an account with us
Step 2: Add the following html code to the web page where you want the SDS search box to appear
Step 2: Add the following html code to the web page where you want the SDS search box to appear
<div style="height:240px">
<iframe src="https://sdsmanager.com/iframe-search-sds/?company_website=YOURDOMAIN&lang=en®ion=eu" width="100%" height="100%">
<iframe src="https://sdsmanager.com/iframe-search-sds/?company_website=YOURDOMAIN&lang=en®ion=eu" width="100%" height="100%">
Iepriekš minētajā kodā aizstāt "YOURDOMAIN" ar savas tīmekļa lapas domēnu.